Max's Message

I have a passion for writing. I love to write my thoughts and I hope that others will like to read them. Maybe my thoughts, ranting and opinions will get you thinking and start a dialogue among you and others, or maybe it'll just get you to say "Huh". I love music, books and movies and sharing my opinions about them because sometimes I want the world to know how amazing something is or I want to understand how others could like something I wasn't the biggest fan of. Finally and maybe what I'm most passionate about is I love stories, hearing them, reading them and especially writing them, which I do everyday and will be posting often. Each of my passions and writing exploits can be found labeled below. Pick one, get a little lost, maybe a little excited and hopefully always entertained.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Who's There?- Ch. 1

Chapter I

Why won’t that damn whirring noise stop? All I hear in my head, everyday is a sound like a ceiling fan going round and round. Where did it come from? More importantly how do I make it stop?

I feel like I can’t remember anything before the whirring and whizzing shooting in my head. I can remember when it started because that was the day everything changed. I was sitting in the Sky Bar on Planet Forsan enjoying a Tri-blink blended drink. As the planet rotated around its 4th sun of the day I leaned back in my floating chair feeling at peace. My job was going well. As an inter-stellar crime negotiator I was always busy though not always culpable since other worldly crime is pretty hard to police let alone talk a being out of.

As the drink started to take effect I leaned back and let the fizzy feeling wash over me. I was starting to see the stars they advertise for on the drink bottle when I heard a commotion at the door. In walked the notorious Solar Stealer brandishing a new Ultra powered Nitro Fever gun. He had a huge grin on his face.

“Well, well, well, what a nice restaurant,” he said walking slowly through the tables, the gun pointed out like an extension of his arm. Beings scattered out of his way. I slowly put my hand on my Dual ray gun in the back of my belt. I continued sipping my drink with the other hand.

As he walked towards my table I saw recognition dawn on his face. “If it isn’t my favorite copped crusader.”

“Nice to see you again, Stealer. I see you’ve decided to take leave of your cell.”

“Wasn’t really working out for me; confinement,” he said picking up my glass and finishing my drink. “Wow, that’s a kick!” He turned around and blasted a few quick shots into the air evoking a few screams in the crowd. With his back turned I took my moment and flew at him pinning him to the ground with my knee in his back.

“Nice try Stealer but next time-“

“Next time you shouldn’t underestimate the bad guy.” I felt the cold steel of another gun on my neck. Turning my head to the right I saw a long red robe and pink stilettos. It was none other than Drag Vicious: a man so deadly he could wear women’s clothing and still be frightening. I slowly stood up, kicking the Stealer on the way, hands raised above my head.

“Why don’t we just let these nice beings go, shall we?” I said walking to the left hoping to see a clear exit strategy somewhere.

“Hmm, let me think about that.” Drag Vicious frowned, bit his lip and said “No, that’s pretty boring. I think we need to spice it up a bit.” He shot his gun at me. From there everything went hazy and then blackness.

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