Max's Message

I have a passion for writing. I love to write my thoughts and I hope that others will like to read them. Maybe my thoughts, ranting and opinions will get you thinking and start a dialogue among you and others, or maybe it'll just get you to say "Huh". I love music, books and movies and sharing my opinions about them because sometimes I want the world to know how amazing something is or I want to understand how others could like something I wasn't the biggest fan of. Finally and maybe what I'm most passionate about is I love stories, hearing them, reading them and especially writing them, which I do everyday and will be posting often. Each of my passions and writing exploits can be found labeled below. Pick one, get a little lost, maybe a little excited and hopefully always entertained.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm back!

Mad Max Here:
I've used the excuse before but I have returned from my somewhat lengthy hiatus. While I haven't been posting my tales as I should have I have still been writing. There are plenty of tales to come. It wasn't that I was lazy this time or that I wasn't interested in my blog. I was recently told by someone very close to me (*cough cough- my father) that I shouldn't be posting things on my blog in such "rough form". For a while I agreed with him.

Now however I have begun to realize that he is not my only critic. There are others out there who do read my stories every now and then and enjoy them for what they are. Yes they may be a little rough around the edges but that doesn't mean they aren't worth merit if they aren't perfect, right? So in an effort to keep up a readership with those who like my stories I am posting more of them starting again today.

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